3 Before GP
The Royal College of GPs’ are running a new ‘3 before GP’ campaign. The campaign is about getting patients to ask themselves three questions before booking an appointment with their GP. The three questions are :
- Can I – self care?
- Can I – use NHS choicesor similar reputable websites/resources?
- Can I – seek advice/treatment via a pharmacist?
The Pharmacist can give advice for minor conditions such as:
Bites and stings |
Fever |
The Dentist can offer advice regarding toothache / abscess
Did you also know that you can self refer to the following which means you don't need to see a doctor for a referral:
Patients are able to self-refer for counselling, without having to see a doctor. The website www.wecantalk.org lists organisations which provide free counselling.
Termination of Pregnancy
Patients are able to ring to arrange an appointment at:
James Cook Hospital - 01642 282 424
North Tees Hospital - 01642 624 233